Storm Closure

Update: we will remained closed for the day. Open again as usual on Wednesday, January 11th. All patients and clients will be contacted to reschedule their appointments. Stay safe!

With a winter storm in the forecast, we will be closing the St. John’s Back Pain Clinic during the morning of January 10th. We will provide an update about afternoon appointments at 9am that morning.

Mask Update

Effective August 10th, 2021 our chief medical officer has lifted the requirement to wear a mask while indoors. Given the size of our clinic and the nature of our treatments we have decided that our practitioners will continue to wear a mask. We ask that all clients and patients continue to wear a mask when entering our clinic. This decision was made with safety as our main concern and we appreciate your support. As always we will have masks available if you have forgotten yours.

Re-opening March 2021

The St. John’s Back Pain Clinic will be re-opening as soon as the Avalon peninsula moves to Level 4. This is currently expected to happen on March 13, 2021. We have begun contacting patients and clients to schedule appointment for March 15th and onwards. Of course you are welcome to request an appointment as well.

Our clinic will continue the recommended safety measures. Please remember that masks are required at all times in our clinic, that anyone visiting our clinic must complete a prescreening survey and to arrive exactly on time for your appointments, not early. Patients and clients can read more detail on our safety changes for June 2020 and onwards.

This was not as long as our first lockdown but we are just as excited to see all of you again!

Re-opening in Level 3

The St. John’s Back Pain Clinic will be re-opening as soon as Newfoundland & Labrador moves to Level 3. This is currently expected to happen on June 8th, 2020. We will begin contacting patients on June 1st to schedule appointment for June 8th and onwards. Of course you are welcome to request an appointment as well.

Our clinic operations have been adjusted to increase safety. We have added time between appointments to allow proper cleaning of our treatments rooms and common spaces. Patients and clients can read more detail on our safety changes for June 2020 and onwards.

Most importantly we are looking forward resuming our work helping people overcome injuries and get back to doing the things they love.

Covid-19 Update April 1st

With the ongoing closure of most businesses and facilities in the province the St. John’s Back Pain Clinic will remain closed until we are given clearance to re-open. Our first priority once we re-open will be to get in touch with all of our patients and clients to help them resume treatment as soon as possible.

It is very challenging as a practitioner to be unable to provide care for our valued patients and clients. We trust that the approach put in place by our healthcare leaders is absolutely necessary and in the best interest of the people of our province and country. Please do everything you can to follow their guidance. Stay home except for essentials like medication and food, keep 2 meters social distance, avoid public gatherings of any size, wash your hands often and stick to national and provincial health authorities for accurate information.

Health Canada

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Hang in there and stay safe from Aleasha, Carmela, Erin, Judy and Ken.

We are moving

1A Anderson Avenue


After 5 wonderful years in Churchill Square it is time to move the St. John’s Back Pain Clinic to it’s new home at 1A Anderson Avenue. We will be sharing space with the Podiatry Associates. You will be able to access our clinic through the entrance at the right side of the building near the main parking lot entrance. The new clinic space is clean, bright and easy to access. There will be plenty of parking available and thankfully there are no meters.

The grand opening is October 25th, 2016. If you have an appointment scheduled on that day or after you can find us at 1A Anderson Avenue. If you have an appointment before October 25th please find us at our current location on the second floor of the terrace on the square. You will be able to contact us as always at 722-2300 or our usual email address

So where is 1A Anderson Avenue? It’s 1.9 kilometers from Churchill Square. Head west on Elizabeth Avenue past Memorial and towards Freshwater Road. Take a left onto Anderson Avenue as you approach Summerhill Plaza. You’ll see us on your right as you reach Freshwater Road. You can view the map below to view the surrounding area. We’re looking forward to the move and are excited to show you our new space.

Clinic Map

Welcome Aleasha Kettle, RMT

Aleasha Kettle

We’re happy to announce that Ms. Aleasha Kettle, RMT has joined the St. John’s Back Pain Clinic team. As a recent graduate Ms. Kettle has a fresh view on injuries, treatment techniques and the recovery process. After her first week she is already building a name for herself and her appointment times are filling quickly. Within your first few minutes of meeting Aleasha you will quickly appreciate her passion for helping people recover from their injuries and also teaching them how to prevent those injuries from returning in the future.

Aleasha is accepting new massage therapy clients. Her current hours are Monday through Thursday mornings from 8:30am to 12:30pm and Fridays from 8:30am to 4pm. You can set up your first appointment online using our appointment requests tool, via email at [email protected] or call 722-2300.

Updated: Snowfall Warning for January 29, 2014


3:00 PM: We will be closing the clinic at 5pm. Those will appointments after 5pm will be contacted personally to reschedule. The storm should clue up overnight and we will be operating as usual tomorrow, January 30th. The roads are slick and a heavier snowfall is expected after 4pm. Drive safe.

11:00 AM: Skies are clear and winds are under control. Most weather centers are predicting heavy snow by 4 or 5pm. We will provide another update at 3pm.

After weeks of rain mother nature has dropped her temperatures to bring back winter. We’re expecting a heavy snowfall later in the afternoon on Wednesday January 29th, 2014. We’re planning to open in the morning before the potential storm. An update will be made at 11am and if necessary again at 3pm regarding afternoon and evening appointments. Those with affected appointments will also be contacted personally.