
Masks are now required in our clinic

Please enter at the start time of your appointment (not early).

Complete our questionnaire before every visit.

August 24, 2020 Updates:

  • Non-medical masks are now required in all indoor public spaces, including our clinic. Please bring your non-medical masks for all appointment types.
  • We still require a 2 week buffer before your next appointment if you have travel outside the province (even if it is within Atlantic Canada).
  • Our 3 question screen is still required to be complete before every appointment.

Maintaining a safe clinic environment will require an effort from our practitioners, staff, patients and clients. As we re-open under level 3 here are the safety changes you can expect when visiting our clinic.


As practitioners we made the ego-kicking realization that most people are probably more excited to catch up with Carmela at the front desk then with us. Thankfully Carmela will be right there with us ready to welcome you back. She will be safely station behind a plexiglass barrier. We will all do our best to keep her safe.


Expect to see us wearing a mask and other protective equipment. We are working to maintain the balance between providing the best possible care while not causing any unnecessary risk. You can expect us to be there to guide you between rooms and areas of the clinic to minimize the risk of exposure between patients.

Both staff and practitioners will be actively cleaning treatment rooms, equipment and high contact surfaces throughout our common spaces throughout the day.


As always patients will receive reminders for their appointments. Along with confirming your attendance you will be prompted to complete a simple 3 question form. The questionnaire will ask about potential exposure to the virus, specific signs or symptoms and any recent travel outside the province. This form must be completed to confirm your appointment. If there are any technical issues these can also be completed over the phone.

Arrive on time and plan to walk straight into your treatment room. No need to call before entering. If you arrive early please wait in your vehicle, as you enter take a second to give way for anyone exiting. Once inside look for you practitioner to head straight into the treatment room. No need to remove your shoes or coat beforehand. Guests are encouraged to wait in the car but those assisting patients or accompanying a minor may come in as well.

Masks/gloves: effective August 24th non-medical masks are required in all public indoor spaces, including our clinic. These should cover your mouth and nose well, remember that most purchased masks are single use.

We’re doing our best to complete payment, rebooking and the other non-treatment parts of your visit right in the treatment room. When it comes time to leave do you best to give others space in our shared areas.

It is ok to reschedule an appointment. If anything changes before your appointment time and you feel it would be safer to reschedule please let us know with a phone call or an email. We will appreciate you putting our safety first and will happily help to reschedule your appointment.


Even though the Atlantic bubble is open we are remaining cautious. If you have travelled outside of the province please allow two weeks from the date of your arrival in the province before the date of your next appointment. Don’t hesitate to book, just plan for that two week buffer.

Did we miss something?

This will be a learning process for everyone and if you feels there is an aspect we have missed or isn’t clearly explained please do not hesitate to get in touch.

February 10th: Update: We will remain closed for the day, we are contacted affected patients/clients to reschedule.